
My name is Chao Yu. I am currently an assistant professor in the Department of Communications and New Media at the National University of Singapore. I received my PhD in Communication from Cornell University. 

My research focuses on social impacts of new media. I use big data studies to uncover hidden patterns on new media platforms that can create inequalities or biases, as well as identifying policies and strategies to improve them. 

Recent Publications

Fighting bias with bias: How same-race endorsements reduce racial discrimination on Airbnb

Heightened Scrutiny: The Unequal Impact of Online Hygiene Scores on Restaurant Reviews

Sharing inequalities: Racial discrimination in review acquisition on Airbnb

The differential impacts of blinded online reviews on Airbnb

Tweeting about climate: Which politicians speak up and what do they speak up about?

The disproportion of crowd wisdom: The impact of status seeking on Yelp reviews

Courses Taught

NMC 5324

Uses of Communication Research

(Fall 23)

COMM 3200 

New Media and Society 

(Spring 23)


Communication and Technology

(Fall & Spring 22; Summer 20, 21)